SNB Solutions LLC has changed it's name to SportSense LLC!!​

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​​SportSense llc - Disinfection Solutions for surfaces, gear, and air. 


SportSense has been a proud supporter of United Heroes League, AHCA, AEMA, NATA, MN Chiefs of Police Association, PBATS and PHATS-SPHEM organizations.  

Certified DBE and a Minnesota Certified Targeted Group - Small Business, Woman Owned Company.  

SportSense and Fear No Gear are registered trademarks and owned and operated by SportSense LLC. 

SportSense is proudly made in the USA.

Follow us on Twitter: @SportSenseSpray 

SportSense Odor Eliminator Spray and SportSense Facility Disinfection Service. As used by the Pros and is Pediatrician approved!

Persistent protection contained within SportSense bonds with the coated surfaces providing long lasting protection against the growth of odor causing bacteria, mold and fungus on sports gear, shoes and performance wear




Protect with an invisible SportSense micro-coating that contains a patented antimicrobial technology protecting against odor, staining, and deterioration caused by bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms.

Prevent the growth of odor causing bacteria, mold, and fungus by applying SportSense when your equipment is new.  Continue to apply SportSense periodically to help with odor elimination and keep your gear smelling as fresh as the day you bought it.